This is the 12th of the “Travels Down Memory Lane Series”. Over the last couple of years, there hasn’t been an opportunity for holidays away. So I decided to look at some of the posts I’d planned to write, and for various reasons, I hadn’t.

Wolf Refuge Brittany

There is nothing as much fun as taking a walk down memory lane and revisiting and sharing the photographs and journals from our travels.

On a sunny day in September 2016, we all decided to visit Coat Fur, a wonderful Wolf Refuge based in Lescouët-Gouarec in Brittany, near to my sister’s home.

It was wonderful following the 4 km route and watching out for the wolves as we went.

It was the perfect place to visit as we wandered along the woodland paths in the dappled shade of the trees.

Coat Fur is a wolf refuge that takes in old and at-risk wolves from all over France, and it was amazing to see them. The wolves are as curious about us as we were excited to try to see them.

We took our time as we walked, pausing here and there to see if we could spot a wolf.

Towards the end of our walk, we stopped at a wooden platform decorated with antlers and watched the deer…

We ended our day trip with chilled drinks and a chat about the wolves and the extraordinarily calm atmosphere we experienced during the day.