This is the fifth of the “Travels Down Memory Lane Series”. Over the last couple of years, there hasn’t been an opportunity for holidays away. So I decided to look at some of the posts I’d planned to write, and for various reasons, I hadn’t.

Nothing is as much fun as walking down memory lane and revisiting and sharing the photographs and journals from our travels.

I’ve always wanted to visit Shetland for as long as I can remember. In 2015, we visited Shetland to celebrate our 50th birthdays. It was one of the best holidays we have been on!

We drove to Sandness on West Mainland. It is as far west as you can go to Shetland Mainland by car. I was hoping to visit Jamieson’s Woollen Mills.

When we arrived, it was closed, so we decided to walk to Huxter Click Mills. The three horizontal water mills lining the burn constructed in Norse times are in a beautiful setting…

The small stream meanders through the grassy hillocks to a secluded rocky beach.

As we ventured in and out of the click mills, we accidentally disturbed a bird with a nest in one.

We walked around the mills and down to the end of the stream, which meandered through the mills to the edge of the cliffside, where it fell to the beach in a waterfall. We sat and watched the rocks and the breakers smashing onto the rocks like angry white horses.

It was an incredibly peaceful place. Two sheep lounged at the edge of the cliff, watching the waves hitting the shore.

We decided to try Jamieson’s again, and the shop was open this time. Walking around it was a delight, and choosing some shetland wool to take home with me was a pleasure.

When I paid for the wool, I said we’d just visited Huxter click mills, and she asked if we’d seen the otters! No such luck… It’s probably the wrong time of the day.