I’ve been journalling for a long, long time.
I’ve kept planners, diaries, journals, art journals and sketchpads. I came to journalling from an artistic background, so my first choice was working on sketchpads and then combining the artistic form with my journal. My use of journalling, therefore, has to also take into consideration my creativity and inspiration.

This has always meant that I need to have more than one journal going at any one time.
In July, I decided to take the Knitsonik Bullet Journalling Course run by Felix. I came to this with an open mind. I wanted to make my planner more organised, and I wanted to use my bullet journal to keep track of everything in one place. The course was wonderful, and I really enjoyed the weekly Zoom sessions. I’m still working through the course as there were sections that I spent more time with and others that I haven’t really had time to fully think through. I’ve found it an incredibly useful tool to use. Felix comes to Bullet Journalling with a wonderfully freeing and fun attitude. Her next course begins on the 1st of September, and if you’re interested in bullet journalling, you will love it and her! Visit Knitsonik.com to find out more.

I thought about trying to combine everything I do into one notebook. However, I need a larger space to work out my colour ideas and collages, so I know that I shall continue to use more than one journal. It is easier to keep track of my orders and ideas for the Knitting Squirrel by having these all in a separate journal too.

I love using my Personal Bullet Journal for daily to-do lists, weekly menu planning, monthly planner, project to-do lists, wipes and finished objects, medication and health trackers… it really is an indispensable aid to my life.
Keeping track of all the different elements of life can be tricky, but it really helps to have a ‘master’ bullet journal that allows me to know what is happening in the other journals!